Results Snapshot

The Results Snapshot feature on SurveyPlanet is designed to provide a comprehensive, AI-powered analysis of your survey results to our Enterprise users. This feature generates a detailed summary of the key findings, synthesizes important insights, and performs a sentiment analysis to help you understand the emotional responses in the survey.

How to Use the Results Snapshot

To access the Results Snapshot feature, navigate to the Results section of the survey you'd like to analyze. At the top of the main section of the page you'll find a minimized Results Snapshot section there. Click on it to initiate the analysis.

At the bottom of the Results Snapshot analysis, you'll find three buttons: Copy, Download, and Reload. Here's how to use each one:

  • The Copy button allows you to quickly copy the entire Results Snapshot to your clipboard. This is useful if you want to paste the report into another document or application for further analysis, sharing, or presentation.
  • The Download button enables you to download the Results Snapshot as a text file, which you can save on your device or share with others.
  • The Reload button is used to refresh the Results Snapshot, updating it with the most recent survey data. This is particularly useful if new responses have been submitted since the last time you viewed the report.

Review the Results Snapshot

After clicking the Results Snapshot button, the system will automatically analyze your survey data. This process may take a few moments, depending on the volume of data. Once the analysis is complete, you'll see a detailed summary of your survey results. This summary may include:

  • Key Findings: The most significant results from your survey, highlighted for easy understanding.
  • Insights: A synthesis of the data that reveals deeper, less obvious trends and patterns.
  • Actionable Conclusions: Clear, practical steps you can take based on the findings and insights.
  • Sentiment Analysis: An assessment of the emotional responses in the survey, providing a deeper understanding of the participants' feelings and attitudes.

Use the Results Snapshot for Informed Decision-Making

The Results Snapshot is designed to help decision-makers use the data effectively. The clear, concise, and coherent format, with bullet points for easy reading, makes it straightforward to grasp the main points and the overall sentiment of the survey results.

The Results Snapshot feature on SurveyPlanet is a powerful tool for understanding your survey data. By providing a detailed summary, synthesizing important insights, and performing a sentiment analysis, it helps you make informed decisions based on your survey results.