Formatting Welcome and Success Messages
SurveyPlanet uses Markdown to add extra formatting to welcome and success messaging. Using Markdown syntax you can easily add paragraphs, lists, bold, italics, links, headers, images and much more.
Welcome and success message formatting is a Pro features. If you don't have a Pro subscription feel free to try it out and preview it in the Preview section, but remember, your changes won't be visible in your live survey until you go Pro.
Markdown Syntax
Use asterisks *
or underscores _
around a word or group of words to make them italics.
*This text will be italic*
_This text will be italic_
Use double asterisks **
or underscores __
around a word or group of words to make them bold.
**This text will be bold**
__This text will be bold__
Note: You can combine bold and italics like this: **_bold and italics_**
To create a link wrap the link text in square brackets []
followed by the url in parentheses ()
[Link Text](url)
Images are similar to links except they begin with an exclamation !
. Wrap the image text in square brackets []
(this text will appear if the image cannot load and can be empty) followed by the image url in parentheses ()


Unordered List
To create an unordered list add a dash -
or asterisks *
at the beginning of a new line. Nested lists can be accomplished by adding two spaces at the beginning of the line before the dash or asterisks.
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 2a
- Item 2b
Ordered List
To create an ordered list add the number one 1
followed by a period .
at the beginning of a new line. Nested lists are created by adding two spaces before the one at the beginning of the line .
1. Item 1
1. Item 2
1. Item 3
1. Item 3a
1. Item 3b
To create paragraphs use one or more lines of consecutive text followed by one or more blank lines.
This if the first paragraph.
This is the second paragraph.
Passing unique participant ID
You may want your respondents to have their unique participant ID presented to them at the end of th survey. This could be useful to confirm they've taken the survey.
Simply add: {{id}} anywhere in your success message. When the participant finishes the survey, their unique ID will replace the {{id}} in the success message. Then, you can ask your participants to copy their ID and send it to you as a confirmation of completion. This way your user can stay anonymous and you can confirm that they have taken the survey.