General Settings

This is where you’ll configure the main settings for your survey such as your Survey Title, Display options, language and whether or not you want to prevent multiple submissions from users. For Pro users, you can add your Survey Logo here as well.

Survey Title

The survey title is displayed at the top or your survey and is always visible no matter what question your participants are on. If you need to change your survey title after creating your survey, you can do it on the General Settings page. Once you have made this change, click Save Options at the bottom of the page.


You can also change your Display options on the General Settings page. There are two options for displaying the questions to your survey: One Question at a Time and All Questions at Once.

One Question at a Time

Showing only one question at a time shows a progress bar while participants take the survey.

  1. Click the drop down arrow under Display and select One Question at a Time.
  2. Once you have made this change, click Save at the bottom of the page.

Back Button

The back button is available on surveys where the display type is One Question at at Time. This a Pro feature. To enable the back button click the checkbox under the Display dropdown with the label Allow participants to go back to the previous question.

All Questions at Once

Showing all the questions on a single page allows the respondent to check their answers before submitting the survey.

  1. Click the drop down arrow under Display and select All Questions at Once.
  2. Once you have made this change, click Save at the bottom of the page.

Important: If your survey uses question branching, you cannot display your survey questions all at once.


You can choose the language of your survey on the General Settings page. There are 27 languages to choose from. Changing the language will change the default language on your survey’s buttons, instructions and alerts as well as the default opening and closing messages.

You will need to type your questions in whichever language you’ve selected; SurveyPlanet won’t translate your questions for you. Also, pre-written survey templates are currently only available in English.

  1. Choose a language by selecting the drop down arrow under Language.
  2. Once you have made this change, click Save Options at the bottom of the page.

Available Languages

Arabic Hebrew Portuguese
Chinese (Simplified) Hungarian Romanian
Chinese (Traditional) Hindi Russian
Czech Italian Spanish
Danish Japanese Swedish
Dutch Korean Turkish
English Norwegian Ukrainian
French Persian Vietnamese
Finnish German Polish
Croatian Tagalog Serbian

Preventing Multiple Submissions

You can prevent surveys from being taken multiple times from the same participant by clicking the Prevent multiple submissions from the same device checkbox on the General Settings page. This is by no means foolproof because SurveyPlanet utilizes cookies to remember who has taken the survey. It is possible that a participant can simply block or delete their cookies and take the survey again.

As a Pro subscriber you can change the branding of the survey from SurveyPlanet to your own branding on the General Settings page. You can change the logo that is in the top right corner of the survey to one of your choosing in the following way:

  1. On the General Settings page, click the gray image box below Survey Logo.
  2. Select an a previously uploaded logo from your Light Box or upload a new logo.
  3. Once the logo has uploaded, click the thumbnail to add it to your survey.
  4. Click Save Options.
  5. To delete your logo click Clear.

We recommend using a logo that is 200px x 70px or 400px x 140px for retina displays.

Survey Logo URL

By default, your survey participants will be taken to when they click on the logo in the top right corner of the survey. This can be changed in the following way:

  1. Type in the URL you would like linked to the Survey Logo in the Logo Click URL input field.
  2. Click Save Options.