Advanced Question Options

You can find the advanced question options at the bottom of the purple sidebar on the Question Editor under Advanced Options. Here you'll can add a question Subtitle, Additional Comments and Tags.

Question Subtitle

Question subtitles are useful for breaking up a long question into a more readable form or for adding context or instructions such as "Please select up to five choices".

To add a subtitle to your question, just click Advanced Options and type your subtitle text into the Subtitle input field.

Additional Comments

Our SurveyPlanet Pro users can add an Additional Comments field to any survey question. This is a really useful feature as it allows the participant to expand on their answer to your original question.

To add a comment field to your question, just click Advanced Options and then click the Additional Comments checkbox. By default, the field that is added to your question will be labeled as Comments. You can change this to whatever you’d like by typing a new label in the input field below Additional Comments.